This serigraph titled Interwoven by Cori Savard is a tribute to the Mountain Goat and the significance of its wool to Indigenous peoples along the coast. Cori Savard says; “Inspired by the intricate beauty of Naaxiin, this print is a celebration of Maat (Mountain Goat). Our people have long recognized the value and quality of Maat’s wool and have been weaving the finest regalia with it for centuries. By giving its wool, Maat weaves together the lives of the many people involved in the extensive process of creating Naaxiin regalia. Hunters, weavers, bark harvesters, formline artists and dancers alike. The intricacy of the weaving, accomplished by the formidable skill of the artist, pays the highest respect to Maat as great robes, aprons, leggings, headpieces and pouches adorn our people and come to life in sacred ceremony.” This serigraph is from an edition of three (3) printer's proofs. The regular edition consists of 76 signed and numbered prints. This limited edition silk screen print titled "Interwoven" by Cori Savard was hand produced by the screen printing process. It is the only limited edition printing of this design. The artist has inspected and signed each copy in the edition. All trial copies of this edition have been destroyed and the printing stencils obliterated.